ActivePure: More Information
About Our Partners
Aerus LLC was founded in 1924 as Electrolux USA. The Dallas, TX - based firm specializes in cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting air and surfaces. It's used worldwide, with customers including Major League Baseball, Hilton, Google, and the Cleveland Clinic (used in operating rooms), Candian Health Science Center (surgical ICUs), Facebook, CitiBank, Mitsubishi, Bank Of America, Petrobras and more. MedStartr Direct's air quality and real estate specialists have partnered with Aerus to design custom air treatment solutions for homes, schools, businesses, and government buildings in order to provide cost savings, improved health outcomes, and increased worker productivity.
Some of Our Installations
Cleveland Clinic
Texas Rangers Baseball Club
Industry City - Brooklyn, NY
Mississippi State University Veterinary Hospital
Tennessee and Texas State Capitol Buildings
Integrative Pediatric Center - Dallas, Texas
Agape Montessori Christian Academy, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Hershorin Schiff Community Day School, Sarasota, Florida
The Lamplighter School, Dallas
Missisquoi Valley School District, Swanton, Vermont
Plymouth Public Schools, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Also, many companies utilize ActivePure Technology around the world, including:
Bank of America, Brazil Corporate HQ
Sacco Hospital - Milan, Italy
Hospital Military Medical Institute - Warsaw, Poland
Phuket International Airport - Phuket, Thailand
Chula Hospital - Bangkok, Thailand
Lilavati Hospital & Research Center - Mumbai, India
Waits for air to be recirculated
Doesn't impact surfaces
Filters trap < 50% of virus-sized particles Stresses existing HVAC system Infectious particles buildup on filters Frequent Replacements
Works continuously in a room Destroys pathogens on surfaces Kills >90% of virus in < 10 min
No impact on HVAC system Self-cleaning cells
Replace every 2 years
MERV filters were designed to filter out airborne pollutants, not pathogens. An EPA analysis showed that for a 100,000 sq. ft building, the increased maintenance + energy costs of upgrading from a MERV 8 filter to a MERV 13 would be ~$31,000 / year.
Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGl)
Waits for air to be recirculated
Filter systems can't impact surfaces Insufficient time for full inactivation
Can generate ozone
Works continuously in a room
Destroys pathogens on surfaces Able to achieve total viral inactivation
No Ozone generation
It is difficult to achieve a killing dose of UV radiation in the time that it takes for the air to move past the lamp. To achieve a killing dosage would require an exposure time of >3 seconds, whereas a typical HVAC system has airspeeds ranging from 400-750 fpm, taking air N0.15 seconds to travel one foot.
Can damage skin or eyes
ASHRAE deems it dangerous
Only human data is negative
Limited by distance & occlusion
Safe For Humans
Cleared by the FDA
Safely Installed Across the World
Works Throughout the room
There has only been a single human safety trial for far-UVC. The results were worrisome.
At low doses below the threshold bacteriostatic effect, the far-UVC source produced erythema (skin reddening) in all four volunteers, as well as cancer-associated DNA damage in two of them that had a somewhat thinner outer layer of skin. While certainly safer than conventional UVC, there is still a tremendous amount of potential liability.
Ionizers / Bipolar Ionization
Drops contaminants out of the air
Increases surface contamination
Charged particles stick to lungs 10x more
Can generate ozone
Does not remove odors or gases
Breaks them down into CO2+H20
Destroys pathogens on surfaces
No increased stickiness
No ozone Generation
Removes odors and gases
Only a small percentage of the tiny particles that we inhale end up getting deposited in the lungs, the rest getting exhaled. The larger particles are more likely to impact the lungs and be absorbed. When particles are charged, they become more likely to stick both to each other and to surfaces. The EPA warned of the possible adverse effects of particle charging, stating that it may cause 10-12x increase in particles sticking to the lungs. This technology is also used in nebulizers and inhalers to get medication to stick to the lungs.
Other PCO Cleaners
PCO cleaners are based on early versions of the technology that typically have reduced reaction rates. They only produce enough oxidative particles to clean air that passes close to the photocatalyst, forcing them to use fans to pull air into the reaction chamber, and in doing so rendering them little better than any other passive disinfection technology.